Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3: Dog Days is directed by David Bowers and stars Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, and Steve Zahn. There isn't really mush of a plot other than Greg wants to get with this girl and spend time with her, and there was also something about him and his father. I had so-so expectations for Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 because the first one is a good family movie and the second one was slightly better to me. This movie is about the same as the first one, it is a nice family movie that kids will love and adults might like.
The main cast are kid actors so don't expect acting that would belong in The Shawshank Redemption. Zachary Gordon is good and his friends are okay. Devin Bostick plays Rodrick, who is my favorite character in these movies because he has some funny scenes. He has a scene at the end of the movie that is really hilarious and was the funniest part of the whole movie. Steve Zahn is the best actor in this movie mainly because he is an adult and has been in way more movies than the other kids. Steve also had some of the bigger laughs in the movie. Parents might think this is okay and kids under the age of eight will think this is like the best movie ever. I'll give Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3, a 6.5/10 because of Steve Zahn and the funny parts. Go see Dark Knight Rises again, it must get to a billion soon. So, what are some of your favorite and least favorite movies of the year so far?
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