Saturday, April 28, 2012

Episode 5: THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS- Movie Review

                                                   Arrrrrrrrrrrrrg!!!(Sorry, had to be done)

                    "The Pirates! Band of Misfits" is directed by Peter Lord and Jeff Newit and is a claymation movie and I like clay animation, I think it is a very unique type of filming a movie. Anyway, it stars Hugh Grant as a pirate and other people that I won't tell you because it's fun to guess the voices. I really liked this movie and I am predicting that it will be on the Top 15 Best Movies of 2012. As you can tell, I liked this movie a lot. Now I am given the simplest plot to explain after the other four movies that I reviewed. The movie focuses on The Pirate Captain who has tried to win the Pirate of the Year Award and to win is to be the pirate with the most gold, but he has failed around 20 times. He tries to win again and adventures and shenanigans insue. I think that all of the voice acting in this movie was awesome and it really is fun to guess the voices of the characters. The voices of the actors are also a complete match to what you would think these characters would sound like. I was also laughing during this movie and so were the children and adults in the theater. My favorite character would have to either be Mr. Bobo or the Pirate Captain himself. He doesn't have his name given, in fact there is a part where someone asks for his name and he says call me Pirate Captain. That's true it even says in the credits Hugh Grant as The Pirate Captain.
                     I love stop motion and I think that there is never a choppy frame in this movie. This is an excellent family film and if you have seen the Avengers all ready then I think you should see this. I am going to give "The Pirates! Band of Misfits" an 8.5/10.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Movie Talk #1: Avengers Preview
                     Marvel's "The Avengers" hits theaters on May, 4th and is my most anticipated movie for the summer of 2012 but before I explain what's got me pumped, I'll say 5 other movies that I'm looking foward to. My second most anticipated movie is The Dark Knight Rises, then the other movies are Prometheus, The Amazing Spiderman, Men In Black III, and Brave. Anyway, this movie could either be a complete mess with equally undeveloped characters or one of the best comic book movies ever. I've been even more excited every day because more videos about it come up and the release date gets closer and closer. Also, after watching film critic Chris Stuckmann's video review, I can't wait!!!!

                 I adore the first Iron Man, I thought it was a great superhero origin story and is probably in the top 5 best comic book movies. Iron Man gets a 9/10, it's my favorite movie leading up to the Avengers. I also think that the Incredible Hulk was a good comic book movie and in my opinion, I think that it is an underrated film that wasn't noticed because it was out the same year as Iron Man and The Dark Knight. I feel that if the movie came out in 2009, it would've been noticed and might have made more money. The Incredible Hulk gets a 7.5/10. The next movie leading up to the Avengers is Iron Man 2 which was not as good as the first but I don't think it is as bad as people say it was. Iron Man 2 gets a 7/10. Next up is Thor which I thought had good acting and awesome visuals. It should've been nominated for Best Makeup or Best Visuals for the oscars but you never get everything. I didn't like it as much as critics did but it gets a 7.5/10. The last movie is Captain America: The First Avenger, this was one of the best movies of 2011 and my second favorite Avengers tie-in. Mostly everything is awesome in this movie and it gets an 8/10. Those were my thoughts on the movies leading to the Avengers and I think the movie will be the second best film of the year, maybe the best, we'll see.
Episode 4: THE HUNGER GAMES- Movie Review

                                                       I can't wistle

                     The Hunger Games is directed by Gary Ross and is a film adaptation of the popular novel that I am 3/4 done with. It also stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harelson, and Elizibeth Banks. First of all, this movie is very good but not as good as Chronicle in my opinion. The acting in this movie is outstanding, everyone is awesome in this movie even though most the actors who play the tributes are unknowns. The plot is that something happened to North America and it's remaining land is split into 13 districts but district thirteen got kind of destroyed. There are people who are rich and make a gladiator type event where 24 children fight to the death and only one can win called the Hunger Games. I loved seeing the Capitol just come right out of the pages. I heard that it took like 4 hours for all the people to get their Capitol makeup on. I don't like the actual Hunger Games because I can't buy that someone would watch kids get their throats sliced and think that is cool. That is a little too far. If it were adults, then it would make more sense. I also feel that kids getting killed in a book is better but I'm not sure. The deaths are too fast and some scenes from the book that are like 3 to 4 chapters were so short. If you have read the book or seen the movie, this might be a spoiler so go to the next paragraph if you haven't seen it ,the cave scene wher Katniss helps Peeta was very rushed and I think it should've been like 3 minutes longer at least.
                    I didn't like Gary Ross's take on the fights because he uses a shaky camera. I honestly thought that Katniss got killed like 5 times and I couldn't see what was going on. Anyway, this movie is okay, not the best or worst, I am going to give the Hunger Games a 8/10.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Episode 3: CHRONICLE- Movie Review
                                    I don't really want super powers anymore..

        So "Chronicle" is directed by Josh Trank who is rumored to direct a Fantastic Four reboot. The film stars three brand new actors, Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, and Micheal B. Jordon. It is a found footage movie about three teens who find a hole in the backyard of this building where a party is taking place. They find this rock and after touching it, the camera goes crazy and the teens get telapathic super powers. Most people would think that after you get super powers you would think "I must use these powers for the sake of mankind.", but instead they mess around with them. Then the movie focuses on this non-popular kid who is abused by his dad and his mother is sick, named Andrew. Since the movie is found footage, it feels very rough to watch him get abused. Another awesome thing about this movie is that the movie doesn't use the found footage genre as a gimic, it uses it as a part of the plot. Andrew is mad at his dad so he starts filming his life. They also can levitate the camera sometimes so in one scene the frame angle might be straight. I had so much fun with Chronicle and the acting is also amazing. I wonder what these three actors will do after they get recognized for this. I had two problems with this movie, only two. After they levitate items they get nose bleeds and I wished it showed more on how they got them. Also, they can fly by levitating themselves which is pretty awesome. But when they're flying, it doesn't look like they are really flying. The end fight is superior and is like the city fight in Superman 2 with Zod and Superman, except Superman and Zod can only fly and levitate things. Chronicle is better than the Hunger Games (hint for the next review) and is the best film I've seen this year (Haven't seen The Grey, Cabin in the Woods,or the Raid: Redemption) and I am going to give it a 9/10.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Episode 2: MIRROR, MIRROR- Movie Rant/Review

             So the director of the Immortals takes on Snow White? I'm thinking he would be directing Snow White & the Huntsman not this movie. Here we go?

       Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, what's the worst kid's movie of them all? Apparently this piece of trash. I gave away my opinion on the film so let's get on to it. This movie stars Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, and Armie Hammer. It is also strangely directed by Tarsem Singher who brought us the Immortals last year. Two completely different movies. Anyway, this is a movie filled with complete 100% cheesey jokes. I only laughed like one or two times and I think this is the worst movie out like the five I have seen this year. This might be cornier and cheesier than the real cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". Speaking of that cartoon movie, why was this movie even made? If you want a good Snow White kid's movie then show them the cartoon, not this stupid movie. The scenes in the castle are also terrible because the set designs are so cheesey! The only good parts are with the seven dwarves half the time. The only reason kids might like this is because things are moving on the screen. The scene in the trailer where the prince takes a love potion and he acts like a puppy. Come on! Julia Roberts is also bad because in one scene she speaks with an acent and in the next scene she doesn't.There is a scene where the queen is like controlling puppets and they attack the dwarves. In fact, now that you pictured that in your head, you don't have to see this movie!!! I really disliked this movie and I am going to give Mirror,Mirror a 4.5/10.

Monday, April 23, 2012

   Episode 1: WRATH OF THE TITANS- Movie Review

        Wrath of the Titans is directed by Johnathan Libesman who is the director behind this masterpiece:

         This movie stars Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Ralph Finnes. The plot of this movie is that Ares and Hades have kidnapped Zeus and are draining his power into Chronos, this giant lava monster thing. It is now up to  Perseus who has a son to go save Zeus and all the people who could get burned and stuff. This movie is not the best or the worst. It has so much action and I have never said this before, the movie might have too much action. There are few parts where there is a point that they explain the plot.

            The movie also has some gaps and I also would've liked to see more of Chronos and less of the mythological wars. If you add up all the cuts with the lava monster, it would be 2 minutes. Though, the action in this movie is pretty awesome. It is hard not be entertained by the war and destruction. I am going to give Wrath of the Titans a 5.5/10.