Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Episode 2: MIRROR, MIRROR- Movie Rant/Review

             So the director of the Immortals takes on Snow White? I'm thinking he would be directing Snow White & the Huntsman not this movie. Here we go?

       Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, what's the worst kid's movie of them all? Apparently this piece of trash. I gave away my opinion on the film so let's get on to it. This movie stars Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, and Armie Hammer. It is also strangely directed by Tarsem Singher who brought us the Immortals last year. Two completely different movies. Anyway, this is a movie filled with complete 100% cheesey jokes. I only laughed like one or two times and I think this is the worst movie out like the five I have seen this year. This might be cornier and cheesier than the real cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". Speaking of that cartoon movie, why was this movie even made? If you want a good Snow White kid's movie then show them the cartoon, not this stupid movie. The scenes in the castle are also terrible because the set designs are so cheesey! The only good parts are with the seven dwarves half the time. The only reason kids might like this is because things are moving on the screen. The scene in the trailer where the prince takes a love potion and he acts like a puppy. Come on! Julia Roberts is also bad because in one scene she speaks with an acent and in the next scene she doesn't.There is a scene where the queen is like controlling puppets and they attack the dwarves. In fact, now that you pictured that in your head, you don't have to see this movie!!! I really disliked this movie and I am going to give Mirror,Mirror a 4.5/10.

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