Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Episode 3: CHRONICLE- Movie Review
                                    I don't really want super powers anymore..

        So "Chronicle" is directed by Josh Trank who is rumored to direct a Fantastic Four reboot. The film stars three brand new actors, Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, and Micheal B. Jordon. It is a found footage movie about three teens who find a hole in the backyard of this building where a party is taking place. They find this rock and after touching it, the camera goes crazy and the teens get telapathic super powers. Most people would think that after you get super powers you would think "I must use these powers for the sake of mankind.", but instead they mess around with them. Then the movie focuses on this non-popular kid who is abused by his dad and his mother is sick, named Andrew. Since the movie is found footage, it feels very rough to watch him get abused. Another awesome thing about this movie is that the movie doesn't use the found footage genre as a gimic, it uses it as a part of the plot. Andrew is mad at his dad so he starts filming his life. They also can levitate the camera sometimes so in one scene the frame angle might be straight. I had so much fun with Chronicle and the acting is also amazing. I wonder what these three actors will do after they get recognized for this. I had two problems with this movie, only two. After they levitate items they get nose bleeds and I wished it showed more on how they got them. Also, they can fly by levitating themselves which is pretty awesome. But when they're flying, it doesn't look like they are really flying. The end fight is superior and is like the city fight in Superman 2 with Zod and Superman, except Superman and Zod can only fly and levitate things. Chronicle is better than the Hunger Games (hint for the next review) and is the best film I've seen this year (Haven't seen The Grey, Cabin in the Woods,or the Raid: Redemption) and I am going to give it a 9/10.

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