Monday, April 23, 2012

   Episode 1: WRATH OF THE TITANS- Movie Review

        Wrath of the Titans is directed by Johnathan Libesman who is the director behind this masterpiece:

         This movie stars Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Ralph Finnes. The plot of this movie is that Ares and Hades have kidnapped Zeus and are draining his power into Chronos, this giant lava monster thing. It is now up to  Perseus who has a son to go save Zeus and all the people who could get burned and stuff. This movie is not the best or the worst. It has so much action and I have never said this before, the movie might have too much action. There are few parts where there is a point that they explain the plot.

            The movie also has some gaps and I also would've liked to see more of Chronos and less of the mythological wars. If you add up all the cuts with the lava monster, it would be 2 minutes. Though, the action in this movie is pretty awesome. It is hard not be entertained by the war and destruction. I am going to give Wrath of the Titans a 5.5/10.     

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